Goal 1- Adapt Self Care Practices

Goal: Adapt self-care practices to ensure effectiveness  

Strategy: I will use my calendar on my computer/phone to coordinate my work, class, practicum and personal schedule to ensure I am not overbooking myself.



According to Bob Shebib (2014), “The stress of burn out may show itself as a general state of physical exhaustion, including signs of diminished health, such as headaches, sleep disruptions, and digestive upset,” (p.65).

Reflection: In order to show my goal of taking care of myself this semester despite my busy schedule, I chose to include a picture of my schedule for the month of October. As you can see, I chose to schedule myself some downtime and other activities such as Yoga classes and days/afternoons off. I have never balanced a job as well as school and this year I have the added stress of planning a wedding. To cope with all this I had to become better at time management. It is easy to get caught up in all the things I'm supposed to be doing at any given moment so I found it most effective to write it all down.
